Testimonials from Owners



Zac has settled in well to our day-to-day routine and continues to bring us fun, joy and some chaos at times - especially when he gets hold of a sock or a shin pad!

He’s very quick to learn new commands and has a lovely temperament, albeit a little tenacious and stubborn on occasions! All part of the fun! 😊

He’s always been very friendly towards other dogs and people, but maybe not so much the squirrels and pigeons!

Most importantly for us, he’s been very well behaved with our two boys aged 10 & 12 and even loves to come along to watch the football at the weekends.

The front windowsill is his favourite place to sit, to watch the world go by and alert us of any visitors arriving.

We’ve already enjoyed a lovely week away to Devon, where he really enjoyed running along Bude beach while the tide was out!

Many thanks to you both again and all the best!
— Philippa & Tom


Hi Phil,
How time flies by, Eddy will be 11 months mid January. He has brought lots of joy to our lives!.....a handsome cheeky little guy with such a sweet, affectionate disposition. We did some private lessons at an early age which benefited both of us!.... He now goes on a group walk once a week to keep him well socialised! He has adapted extremely well to both City and Country life!...
We are grateful to having connected with you and for you allowing us to have one of your pups.
— Jorge, Kari and Eddy


Apollo (Pawl) a year on. Lovely dog. Thanks for him.
— Lisa, Chris, Eden, Rhys & Lola Phillips


Hi Phil,
Just wanted to say thanks.
Bobbi has transformed our life and she is such a good puppy and we couldn’t have made a better choice than to have contacted you.
I am sure you probably receive emails like this frequently and wanted to send a few pics on how she’s progressing. We think she is really happy with us also!.
— James Temby


This is 4 year old Alfie being put through his paces by my 11 year old granddaughter Lissy. When she comes to visit us he never leaves her side, Alfie is an extremely loyal dog who adores children. When Lissy was at school her class were asked to write about their best friend, Lissy was the only one that wrote about a dog! lissy lives with three dogs of different breeds but always says that Alfie is her favourite and has vowed to get a Kerry Blue when she grows up.
— Perrisblu owner


Hi Phil,
I thought you might like to see Dylan, 2 today, born 29/12/20.
He is a super little dog, cheeky, strong willed, up for anything and a great character.
Enjoying life in Gower and Bath, done lots of training, recall now great and loves the pub as well as the beach. Complimented wherever he goes.
Photo taken today between Port Eynon and Overton.
Thank you for letting us have this lovely boy
— Annabel Saunders


Hi Phil and Helen,
Hope you’re both well and enjoying a long sunny summer. Just wanted to send you an update after our first year with Rothko (Perrisblu Maelon)! It’s been a very hard road but we honestly couldn’t be happier with the little man and he’s such a part of the family now we couldn’t imagine life without him. He is a happy, bright, bouncy and intensely naughty little terrier who makes us laugh and cry and double take daily, and he is SO GOOD with our daughter. He’s her constant shadow, following her around waiting for a cuddle (or dropped food) and taking the opportunity for a snooze underneath her bed whenever he gets a chance. Every day is a new adventure and aside from when it’s too hot he’s been a fantastic reason to explore our local countryside, making friends wherever he goes. He loves other dogs and people (although he gets confused when other people don’t have dogs!) and has made lots of friends on our regular routes, as well as getting lots of attention when we go somewhere busier. I’ve also recently started running with him, which he LOVES, although we’ve both got to train each other a bit more over the autumn months. He’s still terrible with food, picking at his kibble over the day when he feels like it, but otherwise is a healthy and happy dog who brings so much soul and joy into our home. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reassuring us and picking the right puppy for our family. It’s a leap I don’t think we’d have taken until Beth was much older if you hadn’t given us such good advice and confidence, but now I see that she’s the perfect age to grow up with a ready-made best friend for all our outdoor adventures
— Holly, Chris, Beth and Rothko


Dear Phil,
Last week was the first birthday of our Welsh Terrier Toby.

Time flies when you’re having fun they say. And fun is what Toby brings to us.
He is smart, friendly with humans and other dogs, loves to play and loves to cuddle. He can be a true terrier (stubborn and partial hearing) but to be honest he is our little furry friend and true family member.

We all are very fond of him and proud if others say that he’s is such a beautiful and lovely dog.

Thank you for your great job.
— Gerrit & Bregje (London)


Hi Phil,
A week on and our girl (Mildred) is adjusting wonderfully to our home. :D

You’ve bred such an excellent pup who has brought us a lot of joy already! She is already picking up on simple commands like sit and come, learning her name and house training with minimal accidents. She also does super well in her crate. We are so very impressed with her temperament.

She’s getting her second vaccine dose today - we can’t wait till we can take her for some proper walks around the village and introduce her to some of the local dogs.

All the best and many thanks,
— Cherish and Joseph


Hi Phil,
Just thought I’d drop you a line to let you know the joy this fun, intelligent, affectionate little dog has bought to our lives. She really is a joy to own and your comments regarding her temperament are spot on, she’s a credit to your breeding skills.
— Colin Potts

Rue (update)

Hi Phil,
This little beaut is 2 today, cannot believe how time flies. Rue continues to bring us such joy, laughter and mayhem. Impossible to imagine life without her now. Friends say she’s spoilt, but she knows her place in the pack and it isn’t at the top 😀 But then as they say, a dog is a small part of your life. But for the dog, you are their life. Shes very important to us all
So happy we found you Phil 😁
Thanks a million.
— Michelle


Hi Phil and Helen

Hope you are both doing well! Thought it was a good time to send a Jonty update because he had a puppy trim today.

Jonty is the absolute centre of our world, he is such a character, he is loving, excitable and incredibly confident. He is so friendly with humans and other dogs he even has a favourite horse he likes to wag his tail at. His training is going well (as long as long as treats are involved!) he sometimes likes to pick things up just to bring them over to ‘drop it’ for a treat. We are teaching him to catch treats when we throw them and he has just caught two in a row. His worst habits are probably walking around grumbling because he isn’t centre stage and stealing shoes and socks. His baby teeth have started falling out this week so fingers crossed his razor sharp days are starting to come to an end.

We also found his brother Ellis on a Welshie Facebook group and exchange updates with Carolyn it is good to measure his progress against his brother (he is certainly the biggest!)

Thank you so much for bringing him to our lives!
— Alice & James


Hello Phil,
I can’t believe how quickly the time has passed since we picked up our wonderful Freddie from you in June 2020. (Finally decided to name him after my grandad and mum Fred and Freda)!
He is a wonderful pup gentle and stubborn, funny and loyal everything you could want - thank you for the great work you do and congratulations on your success.
— Gill Robinson


Morning Phil and Helen,
I know I’ve said this before, verbally and by text, but I just want to thank you again for our beautiful, beautiful pup. Well, she’s 16 months now! We’ve been enjoying the dog so much, haven’t got round to writing to you properly.

She is exactly as you said she’d be Phil, friendly, happy, kind, spirited, clever and above all loyal. You said she’d be just as happy to hike for miles or snuggle up and watch TV with us and she does. Do anything for a belly rub.

She makes us laugh everyday and brings so much joy. Everywhere we go people stop and ask us which breed of dog is she and comment that she looks like a little teddy bear. Our family and friends say she is the most charismatic dog they’ve ever seen. She’s just so funny and so so vocal. She talks to us all day long!

She’s a good little doorbell and barks when anyone knocks on the door, but doesn’t anymore for the postman or Amazon guy, as she knows them now. She’s so funny.

Trainings going really well, considering she’s had little to no professional training. She adores children and is the most submissive dog in the park

In these uncertain times, it’s such a joy to know there are genuinely kind, considerate dog breeders, who only want the best for their dogs and owners. I can’t thank you both enough, particularly with the after care you’ve given us.

My only regret. I wished I’d bought 2 or 3.

Take care and keep up the good work I look forward to continuing to watch your success through your website.
— Michelle


Hi Phil
I hope you are well. Here is Gryff! Picture taken this morning. He is such a good natured puppy - thank you!
— Georgina Harley


Dear Phil & Helen - this is just to tell you what a marvellous job you have done in raising this new litter of Welshies. Our Perrisblu Sassy (Frankie to us - named Frances for my 93 year old mum, who was born in Nantyderry near Usk ) has exceeded all our expectations of a new puppy.

We collected her on Thursday and have not heard one sound from her any night yet. She knows that her bedtime is about 8/8.30, goes into her bed in her pen, and stays there happily till 6.30 ish the next day. She then goes outside for a wee, comes in and woofs at you while you get her breakfast together, then eats with gusto! Obviously a poo trip outside is needed shortly afterwards (only complaint is this freezing cold weather we’ve had!) She has brought us such happiness and is an absolute joy. She is very smart - toilet training going very well, knows what newspaper is for, never wets in her bed. Last night she took herself off to bed in her playpen till 6.30 this morning.

We can’t speak highly enough of you as breeders, we knew you’d want to know how she was getting on so will send you further messages.
— Tony & Marian Jay


I thought, as it is my 1st Birthday today I would tell you, how I’m getting on. I can tell you that I have fallen on my paws 🐾 here and I’m very very happy. I’m a little spoiled but I’m trying to be very good. I love my lovely walks here in Cornwall - I hope that my Brothers are as happy as I am.

My humans tell me that I have been a god send during this difficult time and they are very happy in having me. Thank you.
Best wishes,
— John and Brigitte Henville


Here’s a picture of Billy today. He had to sit through a kids online guitar lesson, so took himself off to his bed and slept through it!

Billy loves his food, playing with his toys and the ankle attacking game, but we’ve worked out wearing wellies helps! He adores being cuddled, and has the cutest face. He understands sit, and he makes a little noise when he wants to go to the garden to go to the toilet (most times!)
— Helen Melville


Charlie made the decision yesterday that he was ready to go. He handed over the baton to Chester who is doing extremely well in all ways and has settled in perfectly.

The whole family is very grateful for you allowing us to bring up this amazing puppy and join our family unit.
— Ray and Julie


We found ourselves finding a puppy within the challenging period of the Covid-19 outbreak. In this unprecedented time, it was necessary for us to place an exceptionally high level of trust in a breeder; and for this reason we are so grateful we found Perrisblu. As a Kennel Club Assured Breeder (amongst other Kennel Club accolades) we had a piece of mind that Perrisblu would provide our puppy with the highest standards of care and breeding.

Despite the challenges of the Covid-19 closure, Phil and his team kept us informed throughout and their Puppy Information Pack gave us transparency and allowed us to prepare for Doris’ arrival in advance.

As first time puppy parents, Perrisblu have made the process so easy. Phil personally selected Doris and has ensured that she came to us with an excellent routine and that she was paper trained etc. In addition, Doris is incredibly affectionate and loving, which is testament to the time invested into her development by the Perrisblu team. Doris has become quite the celebrity within the village and everyone who meets her comments on her beauty and her fantastic temperament (she loves people). I will be eternally grateful to the Perrisblu team for all they did to give Doris such an excellent start. It is difficult to overestimate the skill, dedication and support of the Perrisblu team and I would not hesitate to recommend them to others.

Thanks once again Helen and Phil - she really is an absolute delight!
— Rebecca and Chris Renwick


Zoe, one of Nembo’s pups is now nearly a year and a half old. She’s such a great pet, breezed through training, runs the house now and is incredibly good with other dogs when we’re out, just a delight. I know you don’t have so many Kerry litters but I thought I’d write to say that if you were to have any puppies in the future, we’d love to have another of your Kerry’s in the house, we think it would be a great addition for us and Zoe. We’ll keep an eye on your website but thought I’d let you know that’s if gone real well with Zoe and we’d be happy to do another journey to Swansea if there’s a brother or sister going in the future.
— Ian Gooch


Gryff, our (nearly) 2 year old Swansea born and bred Welsh legend! He is nosey, loves a good nature programme as well as chasing birds and squirrels in the flesh. He’ll be your best friend if you throw him a ball and tickle his belly. Life is better with a Welshie in it.
— Caroline Meredith


I can’t quite believe Hector is now 3 years old. Over the past year he has really matured into a (mostly) very well behaved dog. He is now excellent off the lead with very good recall. He’ll do most things for a treat! He comes running with us regularly and through the winter we did many trail runs with friends and their dogs which he loves. We also found a fantastic dog walker who he goes out with twice a week which means he gets to run around with 3 to 4 other dogs on a regular basis. We’ve noticed that his behaviour around other dogs has improved massively since going out with this dog walker. He also now has a more permanent ‘cousin’ as my parents also now have a Welsh Terrier girl called Mali. She came from a breeder in North Wales. They love nothing better that a rough and tumble and chase together.

I know we are biased but we really do think he is the most handsome Welsh Terrier which is a testament to the quality of your breeding. We get many compliments on what a great looking dog he is.

We honestly couldn’t imagine life without him, he has brought so much to our lives (even when he’s naughty…or rather just being his tenacious determined self!)
— Angharad Pocock


I thought you might like to see this short video of Alfie when getting home yesterday after 3 weeks in the Scottish highlands in our motorhome, as you can see he was quite pleased to get back.

He continues to progress well and has the makings of a fabulous dog, we have unpinned his ears now as he has got all his adult teeth and are pleased with the result.
— Steve Walker


Bart is 14 today and still looking good! Many thanks for providing us with such a wonderful dog. Apart from a bit of deafness, he is in excellent shape and is a happy boy and a fantastic addition to our family. As you can see from the attached photo his coat is superb both in colour and texture. If he had an owner who could comb his beard more effectively he would be the most handsome chap in Edinburgh!
— Susan Gillingham


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